Monday, February 18, 2008

Abbey's First Month

Well we made it through the first month with Abbey. Garrett is still so good with her. The other day he did try to put his finger in her eye, but not in a mean way. I just have to watch how excited he get around her because he can get a little rough. Having two kids has kept me busy, and I have found that I like leaving the house more than staying home. If I stay home all day Garrett gets stir crazy and our home gets destroyed faster than I can clean.
Nathan is getting ready to leave for Ramadi, Iraq. We are down to our last month together and I am ready for it to start so it will be done. This should be our last deployment EVER! We are crossing our fingers that we get orders for Quantico, VA when he returns, but staying here is our second choice. If only there was a big Marine base in Texas. We miss the family, but we will be down to visit sometime after Nathan leaves so the extended family can meet Abbey. We hope to get her baptised at Salem Lutheran Church while we are there. We will also be heading up to visit Nathan's Grandmother and Aunt in Maryland and then on up to Connecticut to visit my sister. We are also looking forward to having a visit from my sister Teresa and her kiddos. It should be a fun filled summer of traveling and lazy days at the beach with my girlfriends (can't wait Anglea, Gail, Michelle, Christina, Mandy, Jessica and anyone else who wants to join us).
Enjoy the pictures!

Garrett wouldn't wake up. We tried everything, but he was just pooped.
Abbey making a funny face. She is getting chunky.


He is such a big help. He mainly puts her pacifier in her mouth and brings me his and her diapers.

Say Cheese!

I am going to have to work on my muscles so I can do things like this while Daddy is away. Look out gym here I come.

Garrett was helping make a mess. He rearranged the spices.
Thank you Wilonsky Family for the gifts. It was like a small Christmas for Garrett.

Abbey is so sweet while she sleeps.

Garrett is getting better and better at the potty training. He wants to be just like daddy.

Having some fun time in the crib before night night time.

My Babies!

Abbey really lets me know when she wants me.

This was after her first real bath.

Her first bath.

Enjoying these moments because they don't last long.