Wednesday, May 07, 2008

April Pictures


Here are some new pictures for you. We miss you so much.


Your Family

Garrett and Joey at the beach. They are working hard on something.

My little snuggle bunny.

My not so snuggle bunny. It is rare that I get a picture with my fella these days. He is a wild one.

My Friend Angela.

Garrett pulling the wagon. He faught with all the kids for this wagon and he is basking in his glory here.

Garrett playing in the sand.

Lookout it's Batman. Garrett is so into his superhero pajamas. He would wear them all the time if I let him.

He was so cute with his little cape and all.

Abbey holding her head up. She lost all her hair.

Garrett found my gum and had two pieces in his mouth. He is pretty good about handing it to me when he is done chewing it.

My babies.
We went for a walk the other day and Garrett wanted to pull the wagon so bad. I finally let him and he did the entire walk. It was so cute because he has this little strut when he walks.

Every now and then Garrett would try and go off road with her. I guess he is teaching her to be tough.

Oh our adventures in the bathtub. Every other night Garrett gets a bath by himself so he gets colored water and bubbles. Well this night he decided he wanted to have fish in the water. Yes that is a package of goldfish in the tub.

And another funny story to tell when he is older. He went and got an entire box of bandaids and decided to decorate his legs. Usually when you see him with a bandaid he is not actually hurt. He will find the smallest cut and want a bandaid for it.

I actually got her smiling here.

Garrett really is sweet to her. He calls her princess all the time.

Gave the kids a kiss from you tonight. We love you.


Anonymous said...

awww, Bonny, they are all so cute! Great beach pics! Sorry we missed out.

Earl and Gail said...

We're allowed to leave you comments again??!! This is great! Love the pics. That's one handsome little blonde dude you got there! Love Abbey's smile. Precious!